
 Hi, I'm Joe Sharkey and welcome to my site. 
I'm  a songwriter,writing songs in both English and Irish. I've always enjoyed all kinds of music, so when it comes to songwriting I'm not tied to any particular genre . I follow the direction a melody  or lyric takes me . What eventually evolves can be anything from jazz to blues, Irish traditional "sean nós" or folk/country. That's the joy of it!

Most of my melodies come to me when I'm messing about on my guitar or keyboard and lyrical inspiration can come from something I  have heard ,or seen written, or even when a couple of words  just seem to go together.
I  started writing about 3 years ago and I have penned about 150 songs to date , and there are always works in progress. I've started making demos of my songs in studio over the past year , and you can hear  a selection on the "My Songs" tab. 

 My Irish childhood,spent between Co. Louth and the Donegal gaelatacht, my marriage and family life,  and my work as a psychotherapist all play their part in producing the body of work that is my music. My songs tend to be about love, connections, and possibilities. I write of fond memories, of grasping today and hopeful futures. The positive nature of my lyrics incline  towards the notion of  liberating  human potential as opposed to dwelling on loss or what might have been.

I've always been a poet. Words fascinate me. I've always loved music. But it wasn't until I began to put both these loves together in a creative way that I emerged as a songwriter.Nobody was more surprised than I when my first composition was born, and met with approval. It came easy to me, so I continued apace.


 Haigh ! Tá fáilte romhat chuig mo shuíomh cheoil. Is mise Joe Sharkey agus is scriobhneoir amhráin mé. Tá mé ag gabhail do seo le corradh beag agus trí bhliain agus tá thart ar 150 amhráin i ngaeilge agus i mbéarla scríofa agam o shin i leith. Nil bac ar bith orm i dtaobh an chinneáil ceoil lena bhainim mar tá amhráin scríofa agam sna séanra ó jazz go ceol tire agus ó blues go rock.

Is dóiche gur thainig mo ghrá sa cheoil ó bheith ag eisteacht leis na hamhráin ar raidíó cosuil le The Waltons Programme " ar Raidíó Éireann, Saturday Spin ar an BBC agus an Top Twenty ar Raidíó Luxemburg ag deireadh na caogóidí agus fríd na seascóidí.

Tá súil dearfa agam ar an saol agus tagann sin amach sna hamhrain a scríobhaim. Amhráin grá , amhrain dóchais agus amhráin a bheireann blas beochta don duine is mó a shileann amach asam, creidim.

Is breá liom bheith ag gabhail don ghiotar agus an keyboard agus is nuair atá me ag "messeáil" orthu sin a thagann na lioraicí agus an cheoil chugam. Tá mé  i mo chónaí in Gaeltacht Thír Chonaill le fada an lá agus is anseo a chaith mé samhraidh mo óige agus mar sin tá mé cinnte go bhfuair mé chuid mhór do mo inspioráid ó filí. scríobhneoirí, seanchaithe agus ceoltóirí an tobar ealaíona seo.